Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Blurb That Never Was

It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. In the midst of Barack Obama’s continuing insistence that William Ayers was just some guy in the neighborhood (and just some guy on two non-profit boards with whom Obama worked for almost a decade), people asked why Obama then gave Ayers a promotional blurb for his book, A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court. Team Obama spokesmen Bill Burton and Robert Gibbs categorically denied it.

Maybe it’s another State Senator Barack Obama. You know, another one who would have worked closely enough with an unrepentant terrorist to get an advance look at his new book, and to write promotional material for its sales. One who partnered with Ayers on a multimillion-dollar school reform project that ended up a failure. One who owed Ayers after the unrepentant terrorist help launch his career in a fundraiser in the Ayers/Dohrn household. You know, there has to be at least a dozen Barack Obamas who fit that description!


On a more serious note, this wouldn’t be an issue if the Obama campaign would stop lying about the nature of his relationship with Ayers. They’ve continually fibbed about it when the public record is pretty clear that they formed a political alliance meant to boost Obama’s electoral career. Their inability to be honest about this relationship is what makes these lesser revelations more significant than they should be. A modest blurb on an obscure book would have no meaning at all absent the fact that Team Obama lied about it on two separate occasions.

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