Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Wins Nickelodeon’s “Kid’s Vote”!

The kids have spoken!

On Monday, Senator Barack Obama was declared the winner of Nickelodeon’s annual "Kids Pick The President" national poll!

Nickelodeon has held a "Kids' Vote" every election year since 1988, and this year there was a groundbreaking number of votes—upwards of 2.2 million people participated! And it was a close race, too: Senator Obama received 51% of the vote (1,167,087), and Senator McCain received 49% (1,129,945).

Keep in mind, the results of the Kids' vote have correctly predicted the election winner in four out of five elections—do you think this year will be different?

The results are posted on Nickelodeon’s website, as well as some footage of the announcement! Check it out here.

Do you agree with the "Kids Pick The President" results? Sound off below!

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