Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brad Pitt to Bring The Odyssey to the Big Screen

Remember The Odyssey? You may know this epic poem, in conjunction with The Iliad, from such places as English class. Well, Brad Pitt and Warner Bros. turned The Iliad into the 2004 movie Troy, and now they're drawing from Homer again to bring The Odyssey to the big screen — only this time it'll be set in the future. And in space. Variety has details:Their intention is to transfer the tale to a futuristic setting in outer space.

Warner Bros. has quietly set up The Odyssey, and the early hope is that Pitt will star and [George] Miller will direct, with Pitt's Plan B producing.

Both Homer poems dealt with the Trojan War; The Odyssey focused on the exploits of Odysseus, who hatched the idea to build the Trojan Horse. The Odyssey deals with his long journey home after he declines to become a god.

Well, OK. This could be a cool and imaginative adaptation. At the moment, however, all I can envision is Troy set on the moon. Any Odyssey lovers out there? How does this project strike you?

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